About Me

Pa Ying Vang
I am going for a bachelor degree in Computer Science. In my free time, I like to watch movies, hangout with friends, or play games. I am also currently single at the moment and had never had a boyfriend before. I also like to practice cooking and baking even though I am not very good at it. One of my goals is to learn how to sew because I believe it's a necessary skills to have or do it for fun. I used to draw and sketch as well. I would also like to learn how to paint becauase arts is what I like. However, I do like taking walks. Exploring is fun so when I want to get out of the house, I would take walks to explore places. Another goal of mine is to learn how to swim, since I almost drown just because I don't know how to swim. It's definitely a survival skills.
I work part time here in Rexburg. However, I hoped to find a job that's related to my major. My current job is my third part time job since highschool. I have volunteers at different places before as well, however, they were only for a short period.
I love how it's so beautiful here and how everyone has the same standards as me, here at BYU-Idaho. Also, since I don't have a car, I can pretty much walk everywhere since mostly every place is close by. Also, everyone here has been so welcoming to me since coming here.
I think having the skills to be able to create a website is a necessary skills in the future for me, since, I may decide to make my own website in the future. It's also an awesome skills to have to help out others or as a career in general.
I have been a members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday-Saints since 2016. Also, for now, I have not found a favorite quote or scripture yet, however, I do have a favorite hymn. My favorite hymn is 'Let the Holy Spirit Guide'.
An extra fact about me is that I am a Hmong girl who is the first person in my family to go to college and the only member in the church. I am also the oldest of 10 kids. Thank you!